Rasht 400-bed Hospital

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  • Execution of 400-bed Hospital in Rasht

    Employer: Governmental and Public Buildings and Facilities Executive Organization- Ministry of Roads and Urban Development

    Consultant: Iran Ark Consultant Engineers

    Contractor: Energy Sazeh Aban


    Project specification:

    Complete execution of construction and facilities operations covering 38700 m2 including reinforcement, joinery, mechanical and electrical facilities of the main building, development design building and annex buildings.

    The main building is 26,000 m2 in 3 to 9 floors; execution of the concrete structure, reinforcement, joinery, mechanical and electrical facilities of the development design building covering 10,400 m2 in 4 floors; annex buildings in 1 floor covering 2300 m2.

    تاسیسات ساختمانی شامل چهار دستگاه چیلر جذبی 500 تنی، سه دستگاه بویلربخار Building facilities consist of a 500-ton absorption chiller, three 13,200 lb/hr steam boilers and three 700 kVA generators. Also all internal walls are made from anti-moisture plasterwork (knauf).